PinnedPublished inTowards Data SciencePredictive Marketing: Here Is How Big Data Redefined Our Marketing Strategy?Data has been and will always be critical to every product marketing campaign, the nature of today’s marketing space crowns data as the…Jun 17, 20191Jun 17, 20191
How Machine Learning Is Reshaping Retail Pricing and PromotionsFor retailers, being local and offering customers exactly what they need when they need it is the key to success. With technological…Apr 6, 2022Apr 6, 2022
One Question That Will Make Us More Resilient Against CoronavirusWhat made you happy today? I asked this simple question to myself every day. And tried to find simple answers.Mar 29, 2020Mar 29, 2020
Published inTowards Data ScienceMachine Learning In The Cloud: Easiest Way To Work Collaboratively with Jupyter, Spark and DaskYesterday, I was talking with a friend about how fast the environment is changing in data science and machine learning. He is a dean at a…Aug 23, 2019Aug 23, 2019
How I Optimized Conversion Rate From %4.8 to %29.7 With Advanced A/B TestingI do believe in instincts as well, but I should always see the data before moving forward.Mar 27, 2019Mar 27, 2019
Metrics That Matter To Drive Growth: The 11 Most Important Success Metrics For A ProductThe primary duty of a product manager is to ensure the product is successful at the present and stays on track for future success; every…Mar 27, 2019Mar 27, 2019
Published inHackerNoon.comBlockchain Use Cases For Social Media PlatformsWhatever Facebook does with blockchain, given the massive size and reach of its platform it would be huge for the blockchain industry.Mar 5, 2019Mar 5, 2019
Published inThe CapitalBig Data Projects on Blockchain: The Endless Solutions Blockchain Brings To Data ScienceBy Salih SARIKAYA on ALTCOIN MAGAZINEFeb 1, 2019Feb 1, 2019
Published inTowards Data ScienceHow Blockchain Will Disrupt Data Science: 5 Blockchain Use Cases in Big DataBlockchain and Big Data are among the top emerging technologies tipped to revolutionize several industries, radically changing the way…Jan 5, 20198Jan 5, 20198
Social Media Is Flawed But Blockchain Can Fix ItThe debate about the capabilities of blockchain is still rife. Some sections argue that the emerging technology is overrated as it is…Aug 3, 2018Aug 3, 2018